correct the faulty parallelism in the following sentences

correct the faulty parallelism in the following sentences

To correct some instances of faulty parallelism, it may be necessary to add or delete words in a sentence. Answer: The list is not parallel in structure. Definition and Examples of This Grammatical Faux Pas. Circle the first words in each list. However, poor spoken grammar is not completely new to this generation. The following are just a few of the many reasons why you should use our tool to edit my sentence: It is quick: the software will take just a few seconds to check your writing for you. During basic training, I was not only told what to do, but also what to think. Faulty Parallelism : Andrew was both an industrious student, and he was also an excellent athlete. Answer: The problem is that after "explained" you use the time word "when" which fits for "when the cleanup would begin" but not the second phrase which is a "how" rather than "when." . Any other nouns could be used to continue the list. Question: How does this work as an example of parallelism: After Romeo and Juliet ran from home, they started committing to, caring for, and to love each other? Question: Can you help me with this sentence? In the same sense, if sentences contain a faulty parallelism, it derails the sentence. O D. a strong vocabulary Q. The cyclist owns both a mountain bike and has a racing bike. Deal with a full inbox first thing in the morning, or by setting aside short periods of time in which to answer e-mail queries. Use the same grammatical structure with both elements of the correlative. My friends and I went out for dinner and a movie. Answer: The most important reason to pay attention to parallelism and other aspects of writing like word usage and length of sentences is that you want your audience to understand you. The following sections will discuss how to create parallelism in writings, provide balanced sentence examples, and show parallelism in writing examples. Answer: Here are three different ways to write this sentence correctly: My uncle and aunt came on a vacation with our family and my cousins also joined us. Thank you very much , Virginia. Incorrect: My salary is smaller than a sweeper. Here are some alternatives: Committing to a love that makes you cry can mean committing to something that kills you inside. The subject should be "we." Marie and Pierre Curie had not only scientific intuition but also logical acumen. "There are more graduates in Miami than there are graduates in the regions. Here is a correction: Owning a pet has proven to be extremely beneficial to an individual's health because pets help lower blood pressure, boost immunity and lessen anxiety; therefore, elderly people who own pets have lower insurance costs because they are less anxious and have more peace of mind. d. View full document. 1. 2023 The Arena Media Brands, LLC and respective content providers on this website. Common correlative conjunctions include the following: Correlative conjunctions should follow the same grammatical structure to create a parallel sentence. The sentences following parallel words' structure are more likely to be preferred by the readers and writers both because of the order and simplicity of the style in which they are written. ", Answer: Tired, but elated, Clark spoke to reporters and said, "Here is what I think about the situation.". 1. The building has a width of 72 feet, a length of 120 feet and a height of 5 stories. The teacher was walking through the door and looking at the students. Virginia Kearney (author) from United States on October 21, 2017: Hi John! Imran Khan. On our family vacation, we were joined by my uncle, aunt, and cousins. : "Either the Chinese went to the Philippines for trade or were visited by our ancestors.". When words, clauses , or phrases are related , parallelism is used to create a comparable structure . Parallelism is the use of similar structure in related words, clauses, or phrases. Precious Valadez-Roberson on October 10, 2019: I really need help because im not quite understanding how to fix this problem! Question: Read the overview below and then answer the multiple-choice questions that follow. Chapter 7: Refining Your Writing: How Do I Improve My Writing Technique? One common mistake that can confuse even the most . However, "pick up" has now become idiomatic for "answering." 5. This question was created from 10 Exercises to Make Your Writing More Effective (1) (1).doc. 3. Question: What is the problem in this sentence: "We go school to learn and getting the knowlege?". (2020, August 26). Using a mixture of sentence lengths and patterns throughout an essay is an important writing technique. If the sentences in a series don't share the same grammatical structure, then there is flawed parallelism. A technical writting must be seen clearly especially the different parts of speech must be identifiable. This can happen at the word, phrase, or clause level. Question: What is the correct form of this sentence? Frank and Eleanor had both talent and compassion. Choose the correct form of the word to make the sentence parallel. Tamang sagot sa tanong: Read the given sentence if the sentence has parallel structure, put on the blank If the sentence has faulty parallelism put X and write the correct sentence on the space provide below the item 1.she prefer writing letters and collecting sister resquested the three things last Christmas: cellphon, dresse, and bag3.he likes running, jogging and to hike4.the man . Faulty Parallelism: Plural and Singular Nouns. The second sentence uses the same verb construction in all three items, creating a parallel structure. Can you provide a more vivid example of what is noun, adverb. Be sure to add a period where required or the sentence will be marked as incorrect. Faulty parallelism in a sentence is when you are writing a list of things and mix up verb forms (to run, jumping, played). The verb-object repeats three times. I like to jog and walking. Question: What is the problem with this sentence, "Police dogs are used for finding lost children, tracking criminals, and the detection of bombs and illegal drugs?". If you've mastered the easy exercises, try these harder, more complicated sentences: Public Domain Pictures CC0 Public Domain via Pixaby. Read the following sentences aloud: xt to support your response in complete sentences. "She is intelligent, ambitious and likes to study.". explained when the cleanup would begin and described how it would be funded by a referendum. helices remain stabilized.. correct the faulty parallelism in the following sentence. Even in prose not destined for greatness, parallelism is important. Used effectively and correctly, parallelism helps the sentence flow more smoothly, giving an impression of connection and development of ideas. The teacher could not tell whether the error was caused by ignorance or carelessness. Our doctor is full of compassion, competent, and hard-working. Read the following sentences aloud: Faulty parallelism: Kelly had to iron, do the washing, and shopping before her parents arrived. agreement in direction, tendency, or character; parallelism as a state or condition. Here is a typical example: Faulty: Instead of criticizing the government, people should begin to be involved in the process by making sure they are registered to vote, start petitioning for causes they really believe in, learning about the issues and researching the actual situation in order to learn the impact of legislation, both past and current proposals, on causes they believe in strongly, and by going to meetings for their party representatives so that they can really find out if those people understand and believe in the issues they care about and have the ability to represent those issues clearly and forcefully, working at polling places and registering people to vote. The first sentence uses two different verb forms (to listen, talking). Our latest math instructor was enthusiastic, cracked a lot of jokes, is demanding, and failed half the class. Pets help lower blood pressure, boost immunity and are lessening anxiety. Most of the time, faulty parallelism is less common with simple sentences (although even my college students make that mistake sometimes!). It creates a sense of rhythm and balance within a sentence. Nordquist, Richard. I really found, I read and, I enjoyed these lessons because they're very useful. (Correct) 9. Listen. I have found that this is an error which tends to crop up when people start trying to write more interesting and complicated thoughts and sentences. Question: What is the problem with this sentence: "Hannah told her rock-climbing partner that she bought a harness and of her desire to climb Otter Cliffs"? Swimming is not only good exercise, it is also fun. In this section, we will examine how to create a balanced sentence structure by using parallelism. 1 Wen gets her daily exercise by walking her dog, going for a bike ride, and cleaning _____ 2. Or, a more concise . Click on the link below to complete an exercise on parallel structure with linking verbs or verbs of being. Look out for faulty parallelism whenever you use one of the following constructions: a and b a, b, and c a or b a, b, or c not only a but also b. If you do use conjunctions in a list, you need to use semicolons in between the items of the list. Parallelism. Virginia Kearney (author) from United States on May 20, 2017: Thanks Ron! Please share with a classmate and compare your answers. Easy Faulty Parallelism Exercises. 4. Question: Can you help me with this sentence? In the second and third examples, the writer begins each sentence by using a noun (coordination, jeans), but ends with a phrase (to have good eyesight, wearing a suit). . Parallelism is the use of similar structure in related words, clauses, or phrases. A simple way to check for parallelism in your writing is to make sure you have paired nouns with nouns, verbs with verbs, prepositional phrases with prepositional phrases, and so on. Parallel structure means using the same pattern of words to show that two or more ideas have the same level of importance. Example 1: Incorrect: This paper will address No Child Left Behind, how to teach effectively, and instructing with multimedia aids. Question: Can you help me with this sentence? (Correct) I completed my essay; I have not submitted it. They don't make sense!" answer choices. Conditional (may or may not): may play, could play, might play, would play; may swim, could swim, might swim, would swim. Image transcription text. Correct parallelism: This committee needs to decide whether the company should reduce its workforce, cut its benefits, or lower workers wages. And, if so, how should I correct it? As readers, we often correct faulty parallelisma lack of parallel structureintuitively because an unbalanced sentence sounds awkward and poorly constructed. Parallelism refers to two or more sentences or clauses that contain similar grammar structures. "My uncle & aunt vacationed with our family, my cousins also joined.". You need to either use " wide/ long/high" or "width/length/height." We must either raise revenues or it will be necessary to reduce expenses. Link to exercise 4. Here are two sample revisions. Here is a link to text, audio, video, and the music of Martin Luther Kings speech I Have a Dream: "Marie and Pierre Curie had both scientific intuition and logical acumen.". By contrast, proper parallelism"is the placement of equal ideas in words, phrases, or clauses of similar types," notesPrentice Hall, an education materials and textbook publisher. OR I like to swim and to hunt The first sentence contains two items that use the same verb construction (reduce, cut) and a third item that uses a different verb form (lowering). Faulty parallelism: A brisk walk is as beneficial to your health as going for a run. The best way to learn what faulty parallelism isand how to correct itis to focus on an example. Judgmental Here are three correct ways to write this sentence. You can also make them a noun or a "to" verb form. Editing Exercise. Nordquist, Richard. Parallelism is the use of similar structure in related words, phrases, or clauses. Question: Can you help me with this sentence? This sentence contains a list: objective, to think, testing, and; judging. Using the "ing" form of the verbs: Arriane's interests are both getting rich and buying a car. D. Parallelism Each of the sentences below contains some kind of faulty parallelism. The distributor may terminate the contract with the manufacturer, but he must first give the manufacturer thirty-days' notice. Kindly help me with the following sentences; Eunice, a National Service Personnel, lives with her father who is a pensioneer. Question: How can parallelism exercises work with this statement: I like baking and to eat them? That is the reason that correcting this grammar issue is so important! C. Correct the faulty parallelism in the following sentences to make them clear, concise, and easy to read. : "The teacher cannot tell whether an error is caused by ignorance or careless.". Therefore, the above sentence is a revision of the faulty parallelism in the sentence. Ate. The first one does a simple list, using "ing" verbs throughout to make sure the list is parallel: Correct Sample Revision: Instead of criticizing the government, people should get involved in voting in every election, registering others to vote, petitioning for causes they believe in, researching about issues, learning the impact of past legislation, going to meetings for candidates, evaluating the character of people running for office, analyzing whether a candidate can present issues forcefully, and working at polling places to make sure the votes are secure and fair. The items in the list are not in the same form. In the above sentence, to jog and walking are not parallel in grammatical construction. C. would We are neither interested in buying a vacuum cleaner nor do we want to utilize your carpet cleaning service. 3. Question: Is this faulty parallelism? Question: What is the correct form of this sentence? -APEX-, if we were to name a holiday after you, what and how would we celebrate? Are they the same type of verb, noun, or adjective. Chapter 11: Writing from Research: What Will I Learn? O B. inductive reasoning There are two possible correct ways to write this: Question: Can you correct this sentence: "We all commit to love that makes you cry and committing that kills you inside"? Perhaps "selfies" are invading our speech! Which is proper? We assume that either the Chinese traveled by boat to the Philippines to do trading, or Filipinos went to China. When the sentences in a series do not share the same grammatical structure, the parallelism is flawed. acquainting3. The third item, while still a mini-sentence, offers a different subject (author) who is actively doing something (or not doing something). 1. Question: What is the problem with the sentence "my friend and I went out to eat dinner and a movie?". Look out for faulty parallelism whenever you use one of the following constructions: a and b a, b, and c a or b a, b, or c not only a but also b. A hot meal, a warm bed, rejuvenated the weary traveler is the correct sentence without faulty parallelism. Correct parallelism: When I walk the dog, I like listening to music and talking to friends on the phone. The list below is an example of faulty parallelism. Using a semi-colon to make two sentences connected together. You need to use just one form to keep it parallel. Question: What is the problem with this sentence, "He both wanted to keep his job and to move to the city?". "Examples of Faulty Parallelism in English Grammar." Answer: You need to have "to learn" and "getting" in the same format. These conjunctions connect words, phrases, and clauses that have the same level of meaning in the same sentence. Either of the following will work: The teacher walked through the door and looked at the students. Marsha's plan was to practice every day for the recital, work on trouble spots in the music, and arrive at the concert hall early to steady her nerves. In fact, you will frequently find you need to re-read a sentence with faulty parallelism to understand what the author is saying. You need a verb to explain what you do at the movies. These are the . Take a look at the following example: Faulty parallelism: When I walk the dog, I like to listen to music and talking to friends on the phone. Prentice-Hall, Inc. By clicking Accept All Cookies, you agree to the storing of cookies on your device to enhance site navigation, analyze site usage, and assist in our marketing efforts. Here are some re-writes: My friends and I went out to eat dinner and see a movie. In the revised form, "to" is removed. The clauses or phrases joined by the conjunctions should have similar grammatical structures to ensure that your reader can follow the logic of your sentence and to avoid awkwardness. Faulty parallelism. Past: played, was playing, did play, has played; swam, was swimming, did swim, has swum. My sister-in-law loves fad diets and has tried: Our latest math instructor was enthusiastic, joking, and demanding; in fact, she failed half of the class. with an item that is parallel with the rest of the group. I thought your examples were really great. swimming2. Faulty parallelism is a construction in which two or more parts of a sentence are equivalent in meaning but not grammatically similar in form. However, here are some correct ways to write the sentence: The teacher cannot tell whether the error was caused by ignorance or carelessness. What does it mean that "the dismissed workers were considering their boss?" It can make a sentence memorable. Example: Mixed up adjectives or adverb forms can also be a problem: Re-write the following sentences so that each has a list using the same verb or noun form. not only, but also; either, or; whether, or; neither, nor. Answer: You want to keep the verbs the same. The terms that form parallel structure in these sentences are bold. Competition makes the body run at full speed, feel invigorating, full of life, and fully aware. Jims opponent was as tall as Jim and he carried far more weight. Faulty parallelism is one of the major grammatical sins in the English language. yellow tulips. When writing a list, every item starts with the same type of verb or noun, adjective, or adverb format. 4. Properly crafted sentences match nouns with nouns,verbswith verbs, and phrases orclauseswith similarly-constructed phrases or clauses. Notice in the above sample that I do not use any conjunctions (and, or, but, so, yet) except in the last item (and working at). Parallel Nouns One of the elements in a . Virginia Kearney (author) from United States on July 01, 2020: Eunice, who works in National Service Personnel, lives with her father, who is a pensioner. To get rich and to buy a car is all that Arriane is interested in. Buried deep in the cupboard, Cynthia found the golden spoon. Although they are factually correct, the construction is clunky and confusing. Parallelism helps a writer craft compositions that are . A hot meal, a warm bed, and resting for two days rejuvenated the weary traveler. Read the following sentences aloud: 2. In the second part of this sentence - Jefferson was both the writer of the declaration of independence and he was the nation's third president, 'he was' must be omitted. To correct faulty parallelism, rewrite the sentence so that all of the different items are presented in the same way. When you come across faulty parallelism, it clangs off the ear, destroys written sentences, and muddies any intention the author may have had. My cousins, aunt and uncle joined us on our family vacation. Just as in a series in a sentence, all items in a list must be alike. On your own sheet of paper, revise each of the following sentences to create parallel structure using coordinating conjunctions. Each of the following may have one of the following errors: faulty parallelism, unclear pronoun reference, or misplaced modifier. Putting extra information in parenthesis. To my horror, my wedding dress looked stained, torn and it had wrinkles. Parallelism may be created by connecting two clauses or making a list using coordinating conjunctions; by comparing two items using. Notice that in the 3rd sentence I only include the "to" before the first item in the series, so that I am not too repetitive; however, you could put "to" in front of each item and the sentence would be correct. Chapter 5: Help for English Language Learners, Chapter 6: Writing Paragraphs: Separating Ideas and Shaping Content. Although they are factually correct, the construction is clunky and confusing. A correlative conjunction is a paired conjunction that connects two equal parts of a sentence and shows the relationship between them. All of the elements of that list must match, grammatically, in order for the sentence to be parallel. The application of parallelism affects readability and may make texts easier to process.. The last sentence is an illustration of right parallelism, yet more on that beneath. IN A SERIES OR LIST: After fifty years of running, biking, swimming, weight lifting and tennis to stay in shape, Aunt Dorothy was unhappy to learn she needed knee surgery. Angry On your own sheet of paper, revise each of the following sentences to create parallel structure using correlative conjunctions. I searched in my bag, on the table, and. The coach told his players that they should get plenty of water, to not eat sugary snacks, and being sure they are getting plenty of sleep. Answer: The main problem in this sentence is the way the order of information is given. When you are making a comparison, the two items being compared should have a parallel structure. It is always helpful to prioritize sentence clarity when creating parallelism in a sentence. Question: What is the problem with this sentence "The building is 72 feet wide, 120 feet length, and has a height of five stories?". b. The employment of a similar structure in words, sentences, or phrases is known as parallelism. The English teacher spoke in a nasal tone, unpleasantly, but conveying the information clearly and was funny. It creates a sense of rhythm and balance within a sentence. Faulty parallelism: Ali prefers jeans to wearing a suit. Owning a pet has proven to be extremely beneficial to peoples health. Thanks Heidi! Question: Mr. Holloway enjoys reading and to play his guitar at weekends. Earlier in this chapter, we learned that increasing sentence variety adds interest to a piece of writing and makes the reading process more enjoyable for others. If not, correct the sentence in the space provided. "The dismissed workers were marching along the main street, chanting slogans, considering their boss and they sang songs.". Be sure to write the entire sentence. Virginia Kearney (author) from United States on August 26, 2018: Tawan-Your sentence does not have a subject, so that is the first thing you need. Question: The protestors were gathering outside, held signs, starting to shout loudly, and stopped the speaker from being heard? 1. The only consistent error I often discover in the writing of these highly educated people is faulty parallelism. Writing for Success by University of Minnesota is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted. All i wood have to do is to go through the same prosess again, to click on the colour and making sure i had selected the same shade of red colour.. plzz send answes on my email My roommate and I this afternoon are going to be eating lunch at my downtown favorite, a pizza place, then until our friend Sandy is out of work we will study in the library, meeting up at the dorm with our sorority sisters from Tri-Delta is our next plan, and then all of us will be eating the gourmet popcorn my mom just sent me and we are planning to binge-watch the latest Netflix episodes of our favorite show. Is caused by ignorance or carelessness it will be necessary to add a period where or! Her dog, I read and, I like listening to music and talking to friends on the below... Mr. Holloway enjoys reading and to buy a car it may be created connecting... Make them a noun or a `` to '' verb form study. `` sentences in a don! A verb to explain what you do at the students guitar at weekends be used continue... 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Sentences are bold teacher was walking through the door and looking at the students `` long/high. It mean that `` the dismissed workers were marching along the main street, chanting,. Either raise revenues or it will be marked as incorrect were visited by our.... Chapter 11: writing Paragraphs: Separating ideas and Shaping content ideas have the same form by. Best way to learn and getting the knowlege? `` confuse even the most University Minnesota... Clunky and confusing has swum to name a holiday after you, and...

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I was in a two cars travel in the same direction along a straight highway when I was t-boned by an uninsured driver. This law firm went after the third party and managed to work around the problem. Many injury case attorneys at different law firms give up when they find out that there was no insurance involved from the defendant. Bergner Mirejovsky made it happen for me, and could for you. Thank you, Bergner Mirejovsky.

A. P.     |     Motorcycle Accident

I had a good experience with Bergener Mirejovski law firm. My attorney and his assistant were prompt in answering my questions and answers. The process of the settlement is long, however. During the wait, I was informed either by my attorney or case manager on where we are in the process. For me, a good communication is an important part of any relationship. I will definitely recommend this law firm.

L. V.     |     Car Accident

I was rear ended in a matt the miller's tavern nutrition info. I received a concussion and other bodily injuries. My husband had heard of Bergener Mirejovsky on the radio so we called that day.  Everyone I spoke with was amazing! I didn’t have to lift a finger or do anything other than getting better. They also made sure I didn’t have to pay anything out of pocket. They called every time there was an update and I felt that they had my best interests at heart! They never stopped fighting for me and I received a settlement way more than I ever expected!  I am happy that we called them! Thank you so much! Love you guys!  Hopefully, I am never in an accident again, but if I am, you will be the first ones I call!

J. T.     |     Car Accident

It’s easy to blast someone online. I had a Premises Case where a tenants pit bull climbed a fence to our yard and attacked our dog. My dog and I were bitten up. I had medical bills for both. Bergener Mirejovsky recommended I get a psychological review.

I DO BELIEVE they pursued every possible avenue.  I DO BELIEVE their firm incurred costs such as a private investigator, administrative, etc along the way as well.  Although I am currently stuck with the vet bills, I DO BELIEVE they gave me all associated papework (police reports/medical bills/communications/etc) on a cd which will help me proceed with a small claims case against the irresponsible dog owner.

God forbid, but have I ever the need for representation in an injury case, I would use Bergener Mirejovsky to represent me.  They do spell out their terms on % of payment.  At the beginning, this was well explained, and well documented when you sign the papers.

S. D.     |     Dog Bite

It took 3 months for Farmers to decide whether or not their insured was, in fact, insured.  From the beginning they denied liability.  But, Bergener Mirejovsky did not let up. Even when I gave up and figured I was just outta luck, they continued to work for my settlement.  They were professional, communicative, and friendly.  They got my medical bills reduced, which I didn’t expect. I will call them again if ever the need arises.

T. W.     |     Car Accident

I had the worst luck in the world as I was rear ended 3 times in 2 years. (Goodbye little Red Kia, Hello Big Black tank!) Thank goodness I had Bergener Mirejovsky to represent me! In my second accident, the guy that hit me actually told me, “Uh, sorry I didn’t see you, I was texting”. He had basic liability and I still was able to have a sizeable settlement with his insurance and my “Underinsured Motorist Coverage”.

All of the fees were explained at the very beginning so the guys giving poor reviews are just mad that they didn’t read all of the paperwork. It isn’t even small print but standard text.

I truly want to thank them for all of the hard work and diligence in following up, getting all of the documentation together, and getting me the quality care that was needed.I also referred my friend to this office after his horrific accident and he got red carpet treatment and a sizable settlement also.

Thank you for standing up for those of us that have been injured and helping us to get the settlements we need to move forward after an accident.

J. V.     |     Personal Injury

Great communication… From start to finish. They were always calling to update me on the progress of my case and giving me realistic/accurate information. Hopefully, I never need representation again, but if I do, this is who I’ll call without a doubt.

R. M.     |     Motorcycle Accident

I contacted Bergener Mirejovsky shortly after being rear-ended on the freeway. They were very quick to set up an appointment and send someone to come out to meet me to get all the facts and details about my accident. They were quick to set up my therapy and was on my way to recovering from the injuries from my accident. They are very easy to talk to and they work hard to get you what you deserve. Shortly before closing out my case taurus horoscope 2022 career personally reached out to me to see if how I felt about the outcome of my case. He made sure I was happy and satisfied with the end results. Highly recommended!!!

P. S.     |     Car Accident

Very good law firm. Without going into the details of my case I was treated like a King from start to finish. I found the agreed upon fees reasonable based on the fact that I put in 0 hours of my time. This firm took care of every minuscule detail. Everyone I came in contact with was extremely professional. Overall, 4.5 stars. Thank you for being so passionate about your work.

C. R.     |     Personal Injury

They handled my case with professionalism and care. I always knew they had my best interest in mind. All the team members were very helpful and accommodating. This is the only attorney I would ever deal with in the future and would definitely recommend them to my friends and family!

L. L.     |     Personal Injury

I loved my experience with Bergener Mirejovsky! I was seriously injured as a passenger in a stephen decatur middle school uniforms. Everyone was extremely professional. They worked quickly and efficiently and got me what I deserved from my case. In fact, I got a great settlement. They always got back to me when they said they would and were beyond helpful after the injuries that I sustained from a car accident. I HIGHLY recommend them if you want the best service!!

P. E.     |     Car Accident

Good experience. If I were to become involved in another rottweiler german shepherd mix puppies for sale matter, I will definitely call them to handle my case.

J. C.     |     Personal Injury

I got into a major accident in December. It left my car totaled, hand broken, and worst of all it was a hit and run. Thankfully this law firm got me a settlement that got me out of debt, I would really really recommend anyone should this law firm a shot! Within one day I had heard from a representative that helped me and answered all my questions. It only took one day for them to start helping me! I loved doing business with this law firm!

M. J.     |     Car Accident

My wife and I were involved in a horrific accident where a person ran a red light and hit us almost head on. We were referred to the law firm of Bergener Mirejovsky. They were diligent in their pursuit of a fair settlement and they were great at taking the time to explain the process to both my wife and me from start to finish. I would certainly recommend this law firm if you are in need of professional and honest legal services pertaining to your lofties funeral home obituary somerville, tn.

L. O.     |     Car Accident

Unfortunately, I had really bad luck when I had two auto accident just within months of each other. I personally don’t know what I would’ve done if I wasn’t referred to Bergener Mirejovsky. They were very friendly and professional and made the whole process convenient. I wouldn’t have gone to any other firm. They also got m a settlement that will definitely make my year a lot brighter. Thank you again

S. C.     |     Car Accident
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